How could i be so dumb?
I was just the Chelsea and nothing more.
I said "I know you are in love with me"....
He didnt respond. So i layed next to him, so sure he felt the same.
He would bring it up, talk about it and ask if i was in love with him.
So i was sure he felt that way. He tells me he loves me.
So why is he getting so upset about it if he loves me?
Because the one he really wanted wasnt me.
He doesnt listen to whats important to me.
He takes my money to buy his drugs.
He talks about her all the time.
And when i am upset, he doesnt care and doesnt want to hear it.
He doesnt care when im upset. Does that sound like a person who is in love with you?
Tony said he loved me but wasnt in love and this just feels like part 2.
Part 2 of heart brake.
He told me he was in love with me just to shut me up.
But i know at this point when im just game.
For i am no longer a child.